North America Travel Adapter Video
Shop North America travel adapters at Going In Style Travel Accessories 609 Stanford Shopping Center Palo Alto, CA 94304 - Stop by our store and our expert staff can help you choose the correct adapter for your trip. If you would like to learn more about United States adapter plugs watch our video about traveling to the United States with a European electric.
United States Travel Adapter Video
When traveling to the United States from another country, you will need to use a US travel adapter plug to charge your phone, tablet and laptop computer. The United States has extra safety requirements and require that plugs be polarized to prevent electric shock. United states power plugs have to flat pins with one pin being wider than the other (polarized). If you are traveling from the United States to a foreign country that uses the same type of outlet, you may need to bring an adapter plug. Other foreign countries do not require their outlets to be polarized and your United States polarized plug will not fit into the outlet without a North America travel adapter.